Access Engineering

Structural integrity at its finest
Structural integrity at its finest
Structural integrity at its finest
Structural integrity at its finest
Structural integrity at its finest
Structural integrity at its finest

When Access Engineering approached us, they were looking to bring their existing brand up to scratch, in line with where the company had matured both in servicing of bigger clients and breadth of offering.

We wanted to build on the brand equity Access had already established - using their existing assets, we dug a little deeper and built out a brand identity that still felt like the same Access everyone knows both internally and externally, but evolved with a new vitality and energy for an exciting future ahead of them.

We established a new set of brand guidelines that covered a website update and a full suite of brochureware and documentation and worked alongside 6ix Sigma to capture the Access team and a series of key projects through photography and film.

Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Design, Print Materials
6IX Sigma

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